Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Marife Back To School

1 comment:

  1. Today was my first day back to school. It was surprisingly chilly this morning. I had my scarf and my light coat ready to tackle the day's work. I remembered to take my last malaria pill! And I wore the SIITA Nest jewelries by James, the purple ones ofcourse!

    I had tons of email messages and sorting through them is a task. Chris, my co-faculty beat me to the office. I video taped my way from the university gate through the parking lot behind BioMed Building.
    I wanted my sponsor/daughter Margaret to see where I work hoping she will change her mind about journalism and pursue nursing instead.

    I co-proctor the nursing students' first exam and met my clinical group who are having their last clinical practicum at Tripler Army Medical Center and Rehab of the Pacific.

    I was okay in the morning and early afternoon until it was time to go home. I was driving on H1 heading West when I realized I had to keep my eyes open. I learned that I was not alone with this experience. So Africa Mission Team 2012-2013 be careful driving!
